Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Or how about every month...?

OK So it's been much later than a weekly update.. so much for that pledge!
What has happened since I last posted.... hmmmm.
I started at Cross Fit Junction and have dropped a lot of inches and a little weight. This last month the gym has been doing a "Whole30" competition. Everyone starts with 5 points and then as they cheat lose points, whoever has the most points still in tact at the end wins. Thus far no cheats for me! It hasn't been easy, I've gone to weddings, bachelorette parties (yes, I REALLY could've used a few margaritas before the pole dancing lessons started), family dinners, birthdays, and going away parties but I've managed. There. That's me patting myself on the back.

ANYWAY, when I started this blog, I weighed 174.5 lbs. I am now at 163.5 lbs so still 20 lbs to lose to hit my weight goal for the Marine Corps.

I will post some of the recipes I made during the whole30 hopefully soon... my timing estimates are usually off... by a lot.  :)

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